Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Pros and Cons of being sick.

Lying in bed ALLLLL day.
Being disgustingly lazy.
Wearing immensely ugly clothes and no make up whilst it being totally acceptable.
Taking long hot showers and not feeling bad about water consumption.
Sleeping way more than normal hours.
Not having to do anything.
Watching youtube a lot.

Having absolutely no motivation.
Coughing so much your ribs and abs hurt.
Feeling generally SHIT.
Having a room strewn with tissues.
Not being able to eat chocolate.
Drinking too many liquids.
Getting a sore back from lying down all day.
Not being with it, at all.

I feel a bit better today though. Woohoo! One more day in bed... then I'm going to Canberra on Friday until Tuesday wooooo

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